Friday, March 2, 2012

Doggies Choice vs. Human shampoo

We bathe our dogs day after day after day. On average, we use normal shampoos and soaps for their sanitation because I was informed that pet’s maintenance is quite pricey. Meaning, it’s not included in our daily and or monthly finances at home.

On the other hand, while doing it so, I discovered some facts like:

Human shampoo or soap never helped a dog to condition their furs.
Human shampoo or soap never helped a dog to put away the tick and flea from their hair.
Human shampoo or soap never helped a dog to wash away the germs and bacteria that dwells on them.

But thanks to Doggies Choice for helping me to identify the importance to dog care and for suggesting the right product in proper sanitation of our pet dogs, wherein it provides special offers that even our (human) health would positively benefit.

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